The One Page Website Design


Have you ever heard of a one page website? Do you know you need a website for your business, but you don’t know what to put on which page or what to even say on each page? Well I am here to tell you that you don’t have to have different pages on your website. This is where the one page website design comes in handy.

I had a previous consultation call and the client said they wanted a landing page, but they were wanting to showcase different things on this page. So to me (thinking out loud) I was like it sounds like you need an actual website not a landing page. This gave me the opportunity to talk to her about just doing a one page website and making it look like you have other pages, but it is really all on one page. She was thrilled to hear this, because she previously tried to DIY her website and was finding it overwhelming because of the fact she thought she needed all these pages, but didn’t have enough content to even fill the page. Does that sound like a problem you're having?

If you have been putting off your website due to the fact of not knowing what to even say on each page of your website then you might want to consider a one page website design. Let me break it down for you a little further.

So you might be wondering what is the difference between a landing page and a one page website?

The Landing Page (or Sales Page) does not have a header and a footer. It is also usually used to promote a specific service, event or product. So we probably won’t want this if we are trying to showcase different things on our page.

The One Page Website is right there in the name, a website that is only one page. It will look like a normal website with different pages however we use what are called anchor points (tiny bit of code, nothing scary) to make your page link jump to the specific section on the page. So if you had your top navigation and you clicked on the About Us link instead of taking you to a whole separate page, it is going to jump you down to the specific section on your home page (your full website).

Why would I want a One Page Website over a full website design?

You probably want a one page website if you don’t need that much content on your page. Unlike a full website where you will need to have a good amount of content on each page for it not to look bare and unnecessary.

This is usually for businesses just starting out and just want a website up to show clients their services. I recommend one page websites to clients that know they need a website, but are so new to their business that they don’t have much content yet. And yes you can add more pages to your website in the future!

Should I just have a one page website?

Everyone is different and everyone's business needs are different. Something you can do is ask yourself:

  • Do I not have enough content to fill up different pages?

  • Do you just want to highlight certain things in your business?

  • Are you just wanting a place for your clients to find you online?

  • Are you overwhelmed with the thought of coming up with content for multiple pages?

  • Are you wanting a minimalist design?

I would say one of the big signs that you might just need a one page website is if you don’t have enough content to fill multiple pages. This is best for businesses just starting out and just need an online presence, but don’t have the need for all those other pages.

Where do I get a one page website?

You can always hire a designer and see if they have a rate for just a one page website. This is something that I offer and would love to help you out with. You can click here for more information. I have not seen any website templates that just offer the one page website design. However I am currently working on creating one page website templates and if you are interested you can sign up down below to be the first to get the news when the shop opens!

How can I create the one page website design myself?

If you are doing your website design yourself then you are going to want to take advantage of anchor links. This is the code you will need to add that will have your client jump to the certain section on the page when they click on your top navigation links.

As far as designing, just design your website the way you want. Keep in mind it will only be one page so you want to make sure the content flows down the page in an order that makes sense to your ideal client.

For help on creating anchor links you can check out this blog post from Big Cat Creative here . This is just for Squarespace, but if you google anchor links there are plenty of resources on how to create this when doing your website yourself. If you have any questions you can always reach out through email (


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